5 NEW EDITIONS published APRIL 2024
8-10 pages – 5 different Titles – $8 each
1 – Little Doaty
2. – Isaac Povey
3 – Mineral Springs, Blackwood.
4 – Skinner family and the Easter Monday Mine, Simmons Reef, Blackwood.
5 – Sultan Mine, Barrys Reef, Blackwood.

Little Doaty’s Grave, Blackwood Cemetery. 2012 Courtesy Margot Hitchcock.

Little Doaty’s Grave, Blackwood Cemetery. Inside the Main Gate with Rogers Vault in the background. Courtesy Margot Hitchcock.
The story of who was Little Doaty and how she died age 4 yrs at Blackwood and her photo on cover.

Isaac Povey’s grave, Deadman’s Hill, Simmons Reef, Blackwood. Courtesy Margot Hitchcock.
The story of who was Isaac Povey who died age 22yrs and was buried on his gold claim in 1855 at Deadman’s Hill, Simmons Reef, Blackwood.

1975 with members of the Blackwood and District Historical society at Isaac Povey’s grave, Deadman’s Hill, Simmons Reef, Blackwood. Courtesy Margot Hitchcock. (for members names see booklet.)

Old Post Card of Bridge over Lerderderg River to Soda Spring. Courtesy Margot Hitchcock.

Soda Mineral Springs Blackwood C. 1940 Courtesy of the late Wally Sweet.
The History of the Mineral springs, how it was discovered and the Rip Van Winkle mine.

Barrys Reef, Blackwood with steam at top coming from Battery and boiler and the Mullock heap of the Sultan Mine. N.J. Cair, Photographer C.1876, Courtesy of the N.G.A. (National Gallery of Australia) . Courtesy Margot Hitchcock.

Barrys Reef Blackwood, C. 1885 with Sultan Mine at top and Mounters Mne and Poppet Heas in foreground. From old glass negative courtesy B.D.H.S.
The History of the Sultan Mine, who discovered it and how much gold was obtained until it closed down in 1880.

To purchase any of the above booklets go to the Blackwood & District Historical Museum on any first Saturday of the month from 10.30am to 1pm and see any of the members – Cash or Card accepted.
Address – Corner Warner Street and Greendale to Trentham Road, Blackwood.
For the other 3 books published by Margot Hitchcock see further pages in web page.
Thank You, Margot Hitchcock.
Margot Hitchcock in a promotion Photo at the Blackwood Historical Police Stables Museum.