Blackwood became an early goldfield with goldmining in Golden Point where gold was first discovered in 1855. Soon Hotels, buildings such as stores, tents and houses were seen wherever the miners could erect something to live in or make a living beside mining.
The most crowded localities of the field were within a mile and a half of the main camp at Golden Point, where a township was being surveyed in allotments. Other camps were set up at Tipperary Flat (where the Mineral Springs are today), Red Hill (where the main township is today), Ballan Camp or Flat (near where the Sports Ground is today), and Simmons Reef.
The main settlements of Golden Point, Red Hill, and Simmons Reef all had their own Shops, Hotels, Schools, Post Office, and Halls, and a cemetery was at Red Hill.
Information and photos Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood and District Historical Society.
Photo of Golden Point, Blackwood 1870. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock and the Blackwood Historical Society. Map of Golden Point 1855. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock and the Blackwood Historical Society.
A hand drawn survey map of Golden Point in 1855, made for the Author by Peter Knights, Draughtsman of the Land Department shows Albert Street with the Diggers Rest Hotel, ‘Liverpool Auction Mart’, 3 wooden houses and 6 tents. In King Street is shown a Butcher shop, a Solicitor, several tents and 2 substantial buildings. Of interest in Camp Street is shown a ‘Pleasure House’..!!
Simmons Reef was first noted as – The first reefs opened were Simmons’ Reef by Simmons, and the Union or Yankee Reef by Acres, both in June 1855. (MAM 22 June 1855 & C&W reports 14 June 1855) – James Simmons discovered gold lying on top of the reef in Blackwood at what was called after him – Simmons’s Reef in Junes 1855.
Map of Simmons Reef 1879. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock and the Blackwood Historical Society.
Simmons Reef and Reservoir 1908. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock and the Blackwood Historical Society.Simmons Reef after dam burst at Reservoir 1909. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock and the Blackwood Historical Society.
BARRYS REEF – originally called BAYUP.
Map of Barrys Reef, Blackwood . Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock and the Blackwood Historical Society. Barrys Reef during the busy mining days. C. 1880. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.
Barrys Reef, Blackwood . C. 1880. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock and the Blackwood Historical Society.
Main street of Barrys Reef C. 1880. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.
Map of Red Hill Blackwood where the main township is today. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.Map of Red Hill, Blackwood showing names of buildings. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.Blackwood (Red Hill) Martin Street showing Blackwood Hotel right and store left. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.An old post card showing the Blackwood Hotel right and store left. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.Martin street, Red Hill, Blackwood. Blackwood Hotel on right and store on left. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.Blue Mount, Blackwood, from the authors family holiday house at Blackwood. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.Blue Mount, Blackwood, from outside the authors family holiday house at Blackwood. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.Margot Hitchcock on top of Blue Mount and the Communication tower, past the Blue Mount cemetery. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.Blue Mount cemetery track. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.Overgrown Blue Mount Cemetery. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.Map of Blackwood and surrounding areas. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.Mount Blackwood. Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.view from Mount Blackwood – courtesy of Nicola Strating.
Information and photos added Saturday 24th October 2020, Courtesy and copyright Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society.
For information on family members who once lived in Blackwood, or Pioneers or information on Blackwood, you may contact – Margot Hitchcock, Historian for the Blackwood Historical Society at – A donation would be appreciated for my time and information. Thank you, Margot Hitchcock.
Margot Hitchcock at book launch of Some History of Simmons Reef. 2007